Saturday, July 26, 2014

High Hells?

As usual, we had some amazing presentations from our greatest facilitators. But something was different today. We got a new speaker here! Eimantas!

Today's Wendy's  birthday! So we all sang sang for her. And as expected, she cried hihihi.

Then Joyce brought some games for both groups, and it was really interesting! All people were involved, including the facis!

Joyce asked the students to divide themselves into five groups, with a facilitator in each group. So I just came to a random group, GROUP 4.

We have to send the representative(s) from each team to compete in some different games.

When a team wins, Joyce gave them some points. All the teams were competing for the points. And you know what. My team got the most scores, and we won! Yeah group 4! I love you all!

It was break time, and I had some chats with my lovely students. And did some crazy stuffs with my crazy students hahaha.

Sunshine and Justin <3

Then we had the last session of the day : shirt painting! Yay!

Well obviously, we took some selfies after that amazing session.

what a pleasure :*

Hmm there was a quite surprising news after we finished the last session. Barbora approached me and told me that she won't come tomorrow. To be honest, I was super duper sad when my lovely students left the camp, especially before our last day in the summer camp.

After the camp, all the facis had an evaluation, then some of us went to the city center and ate at Cili Pica, together with Beata and Karolina from the junior class. Rusne and Ruta joined us afterward. Ah I love you all so much!

Well Ruta left sooner because she had something to do. Then Rusne told me that Barbora and Rapolas will come to the Cili Pica. And they did!

Then we all went to a small mall because Fasya wanted to buy some chocolates. We went to a sweets shop, and bought some yummy sweets.

Well we supposed to go to the Three Crosses Hill after that, but my lovely juniors, Beata and Karolina wanted me to try some dresses and heels at H&M. I only tried the heels since the shop was almost closed. Lucky me hihi

We had no time! So we all went to the Cathedral and met Teodora there. Then accidentally, we saw Aida on her bike near the Cathedral. Lucky me again hahaha.

Sadly, Barbora, Rusne, and Rapolas couldn't join us to go to the three crosses hill. It was really sad to say good bye :')

Then I ran to catch the others, and walked to the hill. I was really lucky that I had so many tour guides that showed me the easiest path to go to the hill. I love you all guys!

By the way, I found a baby!!! I guess he likes me hihihi (or my magic stick?)

he doesn't like you, Fasya!
Look at that! He doesn't like you hihi
He likes me <3
See, Fasya?

My baby <3
I'm really grateful that I could go there again with my lovely students and fellow interns. By the way, I was super excited to meet my baby there of course :')

It was almost 9 PM, and we had to go back soon. 

By the way, I was really surprised when Beata and Karolina said that Karolina's mom wanted to give us a ride. By the way (again), Karolina's mom works in Mykolo Romerio University, and she registered Karolina to this camp because she saw us from her window in Mykolo Romerio. Lucky us :')

We had some conversations with Karolina's mom, and she's an inspiration to me now. I hope we can meet again soon, ma'am. I'm really glad that I met her :') Such a super mom!

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