Thursday, June 26, 2014

First Day of Summer Camp!


I was really nervous this morning. Today's the first day of the summer camp. I was really excited to meet the students, but I was really nervous as well.

We had to meet up at 10 AM. As usual, the girls were faster than the guys LOL.

So we came to the university, then headed to the auditorium, and practice our roll call again. Well that wasn't bad.

We did some preparations, until the students came. Then we began our session. These are the moments that I captured from the opening.

Then we went outside and did some outdoor activities.

Had our lunch.

I was in a team with Murilo, and we did some activities with some (some) groups of students. We did some games, and selfies of course hahaha.

Then we went down, and had had some discussion, and of course some energizer games. Well today was full of games, because we need to get to know each other first. That was super fun for me. I hope everyone felt the same way.

By the way, the students' names are really hard to pronounce. So I decided to do this.

Today was really unforgettable. We had some evaluations after the sessions ended. We did some games simulations again, and did some shouts.

Then I got back to the dorm, and had an international instant noodle dinner with my fellow EPs. I made 2 kinds of instant noodle (which was extremely delicious). Fasya and Joyce also made their instant noodle. Btw, everyone loves my bulgogi instant noodle. You guys should taste it!

I also made some lo han kuo, because Joyce said that she wanted to drink some. Well Joyce and I are familiar with lo han kuo. But the others don't. So I made my lo han kuo, and gave them some. Well guess what. They love it.

Oh oh oh I also want to share to you guys about my experience living with other interns. Eight interns are living in the same dorm. And all of us come from different countries, with different languages. Today I went to the boys' room and use the internet in their room. I was in the room with 3 other interns : Murilo, Derrick, and Youssef, when they started to call their families. They spoke in their own languages. And beside that, Zana was outside our door and she was also calling someone. Well can you imagine 4 people talking in different laguages in the same time? Hahahaha. Unbelievable!

Well I miss my friends too. So I made a phone call with my friends.

I took a picture when they were taking a picture lol


Pagi ini gue grogi banget. Summer camp mulai hari ini, dan gue bakal ketemu sama para delegates. Seneng sih, tapi grogi banget.

Pagi ini kita ngumpul di TKP jam 10 pagi. Dan seperti biasa, cewe-cewe selalu on time hahaha.

Jadi, kita jalan ke universitasnya (sekitar 2 menitan dari dorm kalo jalan kaki). Kita terus masuk ke auditorium buat opening ceremony. Di sana kita latihan roll call, sama prepare segala macem.

Setelah para delegates datang, kita terus mulai opening. Berikut beberapa foto yang gue ambil di opening ceremony.

Terus kita pergi keluar dan main beberapa energizer games.

Terus kita juga makan siang di cafetaria.

Setelah makan, para delegates dibagi ke dalam beberapa tim. Gue dan Murilo kebetulan satu tim, dan kita bikin beberapa game buat para delegates.

Lalu kita turun lagi, diskusi tentang beberapa hal, lalu main beberapa energizer games lagi. Hmm hari ini emang banyak banget games, soalnya hari ini agenda kita adalah getting to know each other. Asik banget sih kalo buat gue. Semoga asik juga deh buat semua yang berpartisipasi.

By the way, nama anak-anak di sini susah-susah banget. Jadi gue ambil beberapa video buat ngingetin nama mereka. Ini salah satunya.

Setelah acara beres, semua facis ngumpul, lalu diskusi buat evaluasi hari ini. Kita juga melakukan simulasi games, terus bikin shout juga hahaha.

Gue laper. Jadi gue, Joyce, sama Fasya memutuskan buat bikin international instant noodle dinner. Gue bikin 2 bungkus indomi (ayam panggang sama bulgogi), Fasya bikin 2 cup (kari dan tom yum), terus Joyce bikin 1 bungkus (black garlic). Well, tau ga sih. Semua interns suka indomie bulgogi hahahaha LOL

Gue juga tadi bikin lo han kuo, karena Joyce pengen katanya. Hmm gue sama Joyce udah familiar sama lo han kuo. Tapi orang-orang Eropa ga ada yang familiar sama lo han kuo. Check this out!

Oh oh oh gue juga mau sharing tentang hidup bareng sama orang dari negara lain. Well di sini ada intern dari 8 negara yang beda-beda, dengan bahasa yang beda-beda juga. Jadi, singkat cerita, gue tadi dateng ke kamar cowo-cowo buat pake internet. Di sana ada Murilo, Derrick, sama Youssef. Dan waktu gue lagi kerja, entah gimana caranya, mereka semua satu-satu telepon ke keluarga masing-masing dengan bahasa mereka sendiri-sendiri. Oh satu lagi, sebenernya di luar pintu gue, Zana juga lagi telepon sama seseorang dengan bahasa Slovakia. Check this out.

Hmm gue juga ga mau kalah doong. Jadi tadi gue juga telepon temen-temen gue yang kebetulan lagi ada acara google I/O di Jakarta.

gue ikutan foto bareng di google I/O

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