Saturday, June 28, 2014

First Time Being A Facilitator


I've never thought that I'd be a facilitator now. Never ever ever ever. Ever. Ever. Ever.

So why am I here now? Accident.

I accidentally saw the description about this Find Your Way Project, then I applied, and they accepted me. To be frank, I doubted myself. My public speaking skill is really bad and I can't really deliver the theories to the audiences. Boring. 

Well today was the first time for me being a facilitator. I was super duper absolutely nervous. Veranika was the first facilitator for today. And my turn was after her. So I was really shaking (for sure!). Veranika did her presentation perfectly. Hmm I didn't feel sleepy at all, and I got her points. Great job girl!

Hmm after her presentation, I felt even more nervous because Veranika's presentation was a super perfect opening for the summer camp. So I came to the classroom after Armanda divided the students into junior and senior class. I was in the senior class.

It was a great pressure for me because the students in the senior class are almost as old as me. And they're super big hahaha. Well it was super scary for me because I'm not sure if my presentation will be interesting for them. I was afraid that they might get bored during my 45 mins presentation.

So the presentation was about stress management. As I said before, I don't like theories. So I put just a little bit of the theories, then I shared my experiences, and did a game. Well it wasn't that good, but it's good enough for me. I hope it wasn't boring for the students. And I hope that my presentation today was memorable for the students.

I finished my session (finally). I felt weird. Why? Because I'm a facilitator now. Hahaha.

Then we went to the cafetaria, and had our lunch. I ate my lunch with Indre, a student in the senior class. I sat next to her too in the classroom. She's a shy girl, but she's really nice. She explained about our meal (it was a traditional meal of  Lithuania). And guess what. She's actually Lucas' sister!

Today was really great! I made some new friends. New crazy friends.

The boys from the junior group. They're really active, and really friendly. They approached me and talked with me. Even played some prank to me LOL. So Lucas (Indre's brother) approached me, then gave me a bundle of tissue. I opened it, and that was only salt and pepper! Oh boy! Hahahaha. That's okay, you're lucky cos you're so damn cute hahaha.

Gisel, Sebastian, Gediminas, Lucas, Mantas

Then I came back to the classroom, and some girls approached me, and had some chats with me. I was really surprised. The seniors are really nice and warm! Now they're not that scary anymore (but still a little bit scary somehow).

Isabella brought the last session of the day. One of the most memorable moments happened when we had to promote a stuff in a funny way. So I got 5 new teammates : Indre, Ignas, Kipras, Tomas, And Antanas.

These are the videos of the funny commecials.

Today was absolutely awesome! We played another game, and took some other pics.

Then I came back to my dorm, cooked dinner with my roomies, then ate together.

We planned to work on our presentation in the boys' room. But they were not in their room, and they locked the room! So my roomies and I decided to work in the kitchen. Well I stayed there until 3 AM. Thanks to the presentation hahaha.


Dulu gue ga pernah mikir kalo gue bakal jadi facilitator. Boro-boro facilitator, maju buat presentasi di depan temen-temen sendiri aja gemeteran hahaha.

Jadi, kenapa gue bisa di sini sekarang? Ga sengaja.

Gue ga sengaja baca deskripsi tentang project Find Your Way ini, terus gue coba-coba apply, dan keterima. Sejujurnya, gue bener-bener takut dan ga yakin kalo gue bisa jadi faci. Bahkan sampe sekarang pun sebenernya gue masih suka serem sendiri. Why? Soalnya public speakins skill gue parah banget, dan gue bener-bener benci sama yang namanya presentasi dengan teori. Boring.

Oke, jadi hari ini tuh hari pertama gue jadi facilitator. Gue super duper grogi. Gue dapet giliran kedua setelah Veranika. Waktu dia presentasi, gue grogi banget banget banget. Veranika keren banget presentasinya. Gue ga ngantuk sama sekali, dan gue nangkep apa yang dia omongin. Keren banget!

Sesudah Veranika beres presentasi, gue makin grogi, soalnya opening dari Veranika keren banget, jadi gue agak tertekan gitu. Jadi, gue masuk ke ruang kelas (setelah pembagian kelas junior dan kelas senior). Oh, gue masuk ke kelas senior. Gue bakal di kelas senior terus nih buat summer camp pertama ini.

Buat gue, tekanan buat jadi faci di kelas senior berat banget, soalnya anak-anaknya seumuran, pinter-pinter, dan mereka gede-gede juga badannya hahaha. Ngeri banget deh, soalnya gue ga yakin presentasi gue bakal menarik buat mereka. Gue takut banget mereka bakal bosen dan tidur di kelas gue. Oh iya, sesi gue tuh sekitar 45 menitan gitu tadi.

Presentasi gue tadi tentang stress management. Kaya yang tadi udah gue bilang, gue benci sama teori. Jadi, gue cuma nulis sedikit teori, terus gue sharing pengalaman gue, terus games gitu. Hmm sebenernya gue ngerasa tadi gue belum maksimal. Tapi not bad juga sih hahaha. Semoga presentasi gue memorable buat para senior yah hehe.

Hmm gue akhirnya beres presentasi, dan gue ngerasa aneh. Kenapa? Karena gue jadi faci. Biasanya gue yang duduk di bangku penonton dan jadi delegate. Hahahaha.

Setelah beres sesi, kita semua ke cafetaria dan makan siang di sana. Gue makan bareng sama Indre. Indre ini duduk di sebelah gue pas di kelas juga. Dia pemalu banget. Jarang ngomong, tapi baik banget. Dia banyak ngejelasin tentang makanan khas Lithuania gitu. By the way, dia ternyata kakaknya Lucas!

Hari ini keren banget! Banyak banget ketemu orang baru, temen baru, temen-temen gila baru.

Anak-anak dari kelas junior The boys from the junior group. They're really active, and really friendly. They approached me and talked with me. Even played some prank to me LOL. So Lucas (Indre's brother) approached me, then gave me a bundle of tissue. I opened it, and that was only salt and pepper! Oh boy! Hahahaha. That's okay, you're lucky cos you're so damn cute hahaha.

Gisel, Sebastian, Gediminas, Lucas, Mantas

Setelah beres makan, gue balik ke kelas, dan beberapa cewe nyamperin gue dan ngajak ngobrol. Jujur aja, gue kaget. Ga nyangka aja mereka pada ramah banget. Dari sana gue mulai ngerasa kalo grup senior ini ga sengeri yang gue bayangin, walaupun tetep aja masih ngeri hahaha.

Di sesi terakhir, Isabella bawa satu sesi practice. Dari kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut, ada satu kegiatan yang berkesan banget buat gue. Jadi, Isabella minta kita buat kerja dalam tim. Gue setim sama Indre, Ignas, Kipras, Tomas, dan Antanas. Dan tugas kita adalah buat mempromosikan suatu produk dengan cara yang kocak.

Berikut adalah video-video promosinya hahaha.

Hari ini keren banget! Dan gue sempet ngambil beberapa foto lagi hahaha. Jangan bosen-bosen yah liat muka gue hahaha.

Terus gue balik ke dorm, dan gue masak bareng roomates gue (lagi).

Kita sebenernya berencana buat bikin presentasi di kamar cowo-cowo, soalnya sinyal internetnya kenceng banget. Tapi, ternyata semua cowo lagi ga di kamar, dan kamarnya dikunci. Jadi, kita semua migrasi ke dapur. Dan gue kerja di sana sampe jam 3 subuh. WOW.

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