Sunday, June 22, 2014

We are All Here


This mid night, Evelina texted me that a Hungarian girl, named Isabella would come from the bus stop. She would come at 8.30, so Evelina asked me whether someone could wake up early and pick Isabella. Well I love to do that kinda stuff (picking up people, especially interns), so I decided to come.

Then I woke up at about 6.30 and got ready. And maybe I made some noises so I woke my roomates up. I asked them wheter they would come with me or not, and they said they wanted to. So we got ready, and had our breakfast.

We went to the closest bus stop, Pamiske, and waited for the bus number 53. Then we went with that bus to the biggest bus stop, just like the one that I went on my first day here.

We were confused there. We couldn't find Isabella. First, we didn't know how she looks like. Second, we couldn't find Eimantas (he was with Isabella), and third, it waas sooo cold there!! We couldn't focus at all. But then luckily, Eimantas waved to us. Well, Isabella is smaller than me! Wohoo.

Isabella brought her small luggage, and 2 more bags. So I helped her to bring one of her bag. Hmm I feel girly.

Well then we got back to our dorm. Isabella wanted to take a nap, and we (my roomates and I) decided to eat because we were so hungry hahaha. We cooked indomie and shared. They said indomie is kinda strong, but they love it. Zuzana loves indomie with soto flavor lol.

After our meal, we all splitted. Zuzana and the boys went to Akropolis (a mall near our dorm) to use the wifi, and Joyce and I went to the airport to use the airport's wifi, and to wait for Fasya's arrival. Fasya is my twin sister (we were born in the same exact date and year), so I have to pick her up hahaha.

We were at the airport for about 4 hours (don't worry, we brought our sandwich there). Luckily, they have some benches, some plugs, and some wi-fi. The wi-fi was soo amazing btw.

We stayed there until Fasya came. We used the super free wi-fi there. Oh and actually, we were wondering whether Fasya is taller than me, or shorter than me. She's taller.

Then we went to Akropolis because everyone else were there, at the Mc Donald. So we went to the Mc Donald, then went to the supermarket. The boys left earlier because the had to walk (they don't have the free pass, so they have to pay for the buses), then took Fasya's luggage (that was huge!). And the girl stayed at the supermarket longer since we had to look for so many things.

Fasya decided to stay there to use the wifi, so Joyce brought her luggage to the bus stop. Stong girl! hahaha

Then the boys brought the luggage to our dorm.

We arrived at the dorm, and the girls cooked some spaghetti. Oh Murilo cooked the fish fingers that we bought earlier, then we ate our dinner together.

After we finished our meals, two guys from the same dorm came to the kitchen and had some chats with us. They are from Algeria and Honduras, and they are really nice!!

I came back to my room after I had some chats with the guys, then I had some fun chats with my roomies. Well to be frank, I love my roomies!! Theyre so easy going and funny hahaha. Gonna have some good times with them!


Subuh ini Evelina ngesms gue, katanya paginya bakal dateng 1 intern lagi dari Hungaria, namanya Isabella, sekitar jam 8.30 gitu. Dia nanya, siapa yang bias bangun pagi dan ikut jemput Isabella. Gue emang seneng jemput-jemput orang gitu (apalagi transportnya gratis), jadi gue bilang gue bisa.

Paginya, gue bangun jam 6.30 an, terus mandi. Entah gue berisik apa gimana, tapi roomates gue jadi pada ikutan bangun. Dan katanya mereka mau ikut. Jadi singkat cerita, kita bertiga (gue, Joyce, sama Zuzana) siap-siap. Kita makan pagi bareng tadi pagi. Gue makan (semacem) roti yang gue beli kemaren, terus gue sama roomates gue juga bikin sandwich dari roti “burger” kecil-kecil gitu dan ham. Selain itu, kita juga minum susu, dan yogurt juga.

Kita terus berangkat ke bus stop terdekat, Pamiske, dan nunggu bus nomer 53. Setelah bus dateng, kita naik bus itu sampe ke bus stop besar, tempat gue dulu pertama kali naik bus sendirian.

Kita agak bingung buat nyari Isabella. Pertama, gue ga tau muka dia, kedua, gue ga nemu Eimantas (yang lagi bareng sama Isabella), dan ketiga, dingin banget!! Jadi ga bias konsen hahaha. Tapi singkat cerita, akhirnya kita nemu juga Eimantas sama Isabella. Ternyata badan Isabella lebih kecil daripada gue. Wohoo finally ada juga European yang lebih kecil dari gue haha.

Isabella Cuma bawa koper kecil. Tapi, dia bawa 2 tas lainnya, dan tadi gue bantu bawain satu tas dia yang agak kecil. Hmm…

Well sesudah itu, kita langsung balik ke dorm. Gue dan roomates gue kelaperan banget tadi. Jadi, gue masak indomie gitu. Dan bagi mereka, indomie itu tergolong strong hahaha. Zuzana suka banget yang rasa soto lol.

Sesudah kita agak kenyang, kita semua misah. Yang cowo-cowo plus Zuzana pergi ke Akropolis, mal yang ga terlalu jauh dari sini, buat pake wifi (yang katanya lemot banget), dan gue bareng sama Joyce pergi ke airport buat jemput Fasya, kembaran gue hahaha.

Kita ke sana kira-kira 4 jam lebih awal (gue bawa bekel kok). Karena kita mau pake wifi juga di sana. Dan untungnya, di sana ada tempat duduk, colokan listrik, dan wifi. Wifinya lumayan kenceng btw haha.

Jadi kita di sana pake internet dan bikin presentasi sampai fasya dateng. Oh dan sebenernya dari kemaren kita sempet bertanya-tanya, Fasya lebih pendek atau lebih tinggi dari gue. Dia tinggi.

Well karena yang lain lagi pake wifi di Akropolis, jadi kita juga ke sana (lagipula kita ga akan kuat ngangkat koper Fasya di hutan lol). Di sana, kita nyamper yang lain ke Mc Donald, terus belanja ke supermarket. Yang cowo-cowo cuma sebentar di supermarket. Mereka harus jalan pulang (karena mereka harus bayar kalo mau naek bis), dan bantu ngangkat koper Fasya. Dan yang cewe-cewe bakal naek bis karena kita punya free pas gitu. Jadi kita belanja lebih lama, terus naik bis pulang ke dorm (Fasya sama Isabella ga ikut pulang karena mereka masih butuh wi-fi).

Karena Fasya ga ikut pulang bareng, jadi Joyce bawa koper Fasya. Kecil-kecil kuat banget dia haha.

Setelah sampai di pamiske, yang cowo-cowo pada dateng buat bantu bawa koper hahaha

Sesampai di dorm, yang cewe-cewe pada masak spaghetti, Murilo masak Fish Fingers, dan akhirnya kita makan bareng.

Setelah makan bareng, ada dua orang sini yang dateng nyamperin dan ngobrol-ngobrol sama kita. Mereka baik bangeett hahaha. Yang satu orang Algeria, yang satu lagi orang Honduras hahaha

Sesudah beres ngobrol-ngobrol, gue masuk ke kamar dan ngobrol-ngobrol sama roommate gue hahaha. Enak juga sih punya roommate hahaha. Dan kebetulan roomate gue dua-duanya easy going. Jadi, yah so far so good.

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