Thursday, June 26, 2014

Brazilian Dinner!


Today was our last preparation day. Armanda and Eimantas came to our dorm and helped us to prepare everything, including the roll dance. Well the roll dance was a secret, so Armanda and Eimantas were the only AIESECer who knew about this. We practiced a lot, and we made it! Hahaha thanks Armanda and Eimantas!

We talked a lot about our games and our presentations. We also tried to simulate the games. It was really stupid, but it was so fun!

Well today was also Murilo's turn to make the dinner for all of us. So some of us went to the supermarket. I joined them because I needed to buy some stuffs.

Today Felipe came to helped him with the dish (Felipe is a Brazilian too). They made 2 Brazilian dishes : polenta and brigadir.

Polenta is made from corn flour. So Murilo boiled some water, added some corn flour (slowly), some margarine, and salt. Then he stirred it until it was ready. Then he moved the polentas to another plate, and cooled it down.

Then he fried the polentas. I tried the fried polenta, and that was amazing! Hmm it tasted like corn flakes, but it was kinda different. We can add some tomato sauce, cheese, condensed milk, or whatever. I even added some rice with milk (Youssef made that, and it was so amazing).

rice, salt, sugar, milk (Youssef made this)
Brigadir is actually the mixture of condensed milk (which is boiled) and chocolate powder. That's all. But trust me, it's addictive!

They also made some Brazilian drinks. It was the mixture of Sagatiba, some lemon, some sugar, and ice cubes. Well that was good too! Great job, Murilo and Felipe!!


Hari ini hari terakhir preparation. Armanda sama Eimantas dateng ke dorm dan bantu kita buat nyiapin semuanya, termasuk secret roll dance kita. Jadi, roll dance itu sejenis yel-yel gitu, tapi dalam bentuk tarian. Sebenernya roll dance itu cuma Armanda yang tau. Tapi karena Eimantas bakal jadi host buat besok, jadi dia juga dikasih tau, dan akhirnya latihan roll dance bareng. Thanks Armanda sama Eimantas!

Selain roll dance, kita juga banyak ngomongin tentang games sama presentation. Kita juga banyak coba buat ngesimulasiin games. Gamesnya konyol sih, tapi asik!

Hmm hari ini Murilo dapet giliran masak makan malem buat kita semua. Jadi, beberapa dari kita pergi ke supermarket. Gue juga ikut ke supermarket karena gue butuh beli barang juga.

Hari ini Felipe juga dateng buat bantu Murilo. Felipe juga dari Brazil, jadi dia bisa bantuin masak. Mereka bikin 2 makanan : polenta dan brigadir.

Polenta tuh bahan dasarnya tepung jagung. Jadi, pertama Murilo masak air panas gitu. Terus dia masukin tepung jagung pelan-pelan, terus diaduk sampai nyampur. Terus dia juga nambahin margarin dan garam. Sesudah itu, polenta yang udah tercampur dipindahin ke tempat lain, terus dibiarin dingin.

Sesudah dingin, polenta itu digoreng. Percaya ga percaya, rasanya mirip corn flakes dan enak banget!! Kita bisa makan polenta itu pake saus tomat, susu kental manis, keju, dll. Gue bahkan makan itu pake nasi + bubur yang dibikin sama Youssef. Enak bangeeet.

Selain polenta, mereka juga bikin brigadir. Brigadir itu susu kental manis yang dipanasin, terus ditambahin coklat bubuk. Simpel banget, dan bikin ketagihan!

Oh mereka juga bikin minuman gitu. Jadi itu tuh campuran dari Sagatiba, lemon, gula, dan es batu. Enak juga!! Good job Murilo and Felipe!!

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