Monday, June 16, 2014

A Day in a Village

Okay since some of you requested the english version, here you go hahaha


So so so I spent my second day in Lithuania in a village. In this case, Evelina's house hahaha. I was planning to do my presentations, but I wasn't that productive yesterday haha.

I started the morning with a european-style breakfast. Mama cooked it for us. She's really good!!

I added some cheese on it
It melted !
Oh there was a funny thing. Mama was really worry that I cannot use fork and knife. So she gave me a pair of chopstick hahaha. Actually that was my first time eating pasta with chopsticks, but it was easier to be frank hahaha.

I did my works again after I finished my breakfast. Then Daniel called me for a sandwich time! yaay

a slice of bread and cheese, and 3 slices of pork ham
there were 2 kind of hams. I love the right one!
a special bread. it's nice, but I think I love the another one more haha
you cannot see the bread, but there was! hahaha
Daniel told me that the ham is not that expensive. It costs at most 10 Litas. Hmm can I bring a dozen of this to my country? Please? Hahaha

Well for me, living in a village is fun! If I had to choose between the city and the village, I'll choose the village. Why? BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOTS OF SELFIE SPOTS HERE

some small strawberries are easy to find, and you can eat that right away!

NB : please do not get sick with my selfies, peeps!

Those pics were taken because Luiza dragged me outside. So I brought my monopod and of course, took some selfies hahaha

I also went to her backyard and played her trampoline! That was so fun! I felt like a kid again hahaha.

Okay enough for my selfies hahaha. So so so after I finished my selfie session, I did my work (again) until Evelina came back home. We had some chats, then we ate our dinner hahaha.

finally i found rice here
this one is extremely delicious!
ah this is the sausage that i ate earlier (i forgot to take the pics lol)
That was the last meal of the day. Then we went upstairs and played video games!! There were 4 of us : Daniel, Evelina, Luiza, and I of course

Oh and in the middle of the game, Evelina called me and told me that there was a big balloon outside! That was extremely beautiful dude!

Well I didn't do so much travelling in my 2nd day in Lithuania. But I still had fun! Oh and one more thing! Luiza starts to take her own selfie pics!


Halo haloo. Tau ga sih, seharian ini gue di desa loh hahaha. Di rumah Evelina nih seharian. Ceritanya sih mau nugas, tapi ga begitu produktif kemaren. Salah satunya gara-gara wifi labil. Tapi ga apa-apa sih. Ini hari terakhir gue di sini.

Jadi, hari gue diawali dengan sarapan bikinan mama. Sarapan ala eropa gitu. Dia jago banget dah masaknya. TOP!

Taburin kejunya
Oh ada yang lucu deh. Jadi kemaren tuh kita makan bareng-bareng. Semua pake garpu sama pisau. Gue juga sama. Nah gue potong pastanya, gue makan. Gue potong lagi, terus gue makan. Terus tiba-tiba mama berdiri terus jalan gitu ga tau ke mana. Balik-balik dia bawa sumpit dan sumringah ngasih sumpitnya ke gue. Gue yang bengong sih iya iya aja pas dikasih sumpit. Terus gue mulai makan salad pake sumpit dan mereka semua sumringah. Gue juga makan pasta dengan bantuan sumpit kemaren. Jujur aja, ini pengalaman pertama gue makan pasta pake sumpit hahahaha

Oke sesudah beres sarapan, gue nugas lagi. Nugas, nugas, nugas. Terus Daniel manggil gue lagi. Dia ngajakin makan sandwich. Gue turun, dan langsung gabung makan sandwich sama Daniel dan Luiza

ini sandwich pertama gue : roti, keju lembaran, dan ham (ini ham paling enak sejagad!)
nih bentuk aslinya gini
ini rotinya agak kasar dan lebih keras gitu karena ada biji-bijiannya. Enak-enak aja sih, tapi gue lebih suka roti halus haha
rotinya ga keliatan tuh, tapi sebenernya ada tuh di bawah
Kata Daniel sih ga mahal ham ginian. Paling mahal juga 10 Litas katanya. Gila! Boleh gue bawa pulang ke Indo ga yah? Hahaha

Well, gue sekarang lagi di desa. Dan jujur aja, gue lebih seneng tinggal di desa. Kenapa? KARENA BANYAK TEMPAT BAGUS BUAT SELFIE! hahaha

banyak banget stroberi kecil di sini, di antara rumput-rumput gitu suka ada. dan itu enak banget!

NB : jangan bosen-bosen yah liat foto gue haha

Semua foto-foto itu ada karena Luiza maksa gue keluar buat main sama dia. Dan tentu saja gue bawa tongsis gue. Rugi dong kalo ga ada foto hahaha

Nah gue juga ke halaman dia dan main trampolin. Kaya anak kecil lagi dah pokonya hahaha

Oke cukup. Gue tau kalian mulai muak liat selfie gue hahaha. Nah jadi sesudah itu gue naik lagi ke kamar dan bikin presentasi lagi sampe Evelina pulang dan ngajak gue buat makan malem.

ini nasi pertama gue di sini dan rasanya agak semi-bubur gitu hahaha
ini dagingnya enak banget deh beneran
nah kemarin ini gue lupa ngefoto sosis yang gue makan kan. ini dia sosisnya haha
Oke itu makan terakhir gue. Sesudah itu Evelina excited banget ngajakin gue main video games. wii gitu. Dan kita main 4an di kamar Daniel : gue, Daniel, Evelina, Luiza hahaha. Gue kalah terus!

Nah di tengah-tengah game, Evelina manggil gue buat keluar (dia lagi keluar). Dan ternyata ada balon udara. Keren banget! Ga boong deh ini keren banget!

Hari ini gue ga pergi kemana-mana, tapi gue seneng-seneng aja kok. Seharian ini gue ngerasain rasanya tinggal di desa sini sama native dan makan makanan mereka juga hahaha. Sedih sih besok gue bakal pindah.

Oh iya, tau ga sih. Gue sukses menularkan budaya selfie ke Luiza! Hahaha

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