Tuesday, April 15, 2014

surprise surprise !


I had an interview with a Lithuanian girl, named Armanda. She told me to make a video, and I've posted it on my older post. So she said that she would announce the result after I submitted the video ; on Monday.

So yesterday was Monday. I didn't expect too much, because the announcement might be delayed. But deep inside, I was so curious about the result. So I looked at my phone, just in case she sent me the announcement. I looked at my phone for hours!

I was sleeping when my phone suddenly rang. It was 22.30. I saw my phone, and a skype message was delivered. I knew right away that it must be the announcement. I was half asleep, and I opened the message.

Yeah I was accepted. Surprise surprise! hahaha

And I saw other EPs from other countries via youtube just now. Their videos are amazing! Thousand times better than mine! Gosh!

Well I was so glad last night. But you know what. Once I started to look for the airplane ticket, my happiness disappear right away. That was so expensive! Literally expensive!

I went to an agent today, and the price was unbelievable! So I decided to start looking for the ticket myself. I got some lower prices, but I don't have VISA or Master Card. Yeah that's stupid.

So, let's just pray for the best ; the best price, the best people, the best everything!

- cheers -


Minggu kemaren gue interview sama orang Lithuania, namanya Armanda. Jadi dia kan bilang kalo gue harus bikin video dulu sebelum dia ngumumin hasilnya.

Dia bilang kalo pengumumannya tuh hari Senin (kemaren). Gue ga ngarep banget sih, kan pengumumannya bisa aja ketunda. Tapi namanya manusia yah kepo lah. Jadi kemaren gue nungguin announcementnya. Gue pegang hape terus berjam-jam siapa tau ada announcementnya. Itu hape sampe ga gue silent tuh hahaha

Jadi ceritanya, gue kecapean dan ketiduran. Terus sekitar 22.30 hape gue bunyi. Gue ambil hape gue dengan mata setengah tidur, dan gue ngeliat notif message skype. Langsung deh gue tau itu pasti announcementnya. Siapa lagi yang ngehubungin gue via skype lol

Nah gue keterima tuh hahaha kaget banget dah!

Terus beberapa menit yang lalu gue iseng kan cari-cari di youtube. Dan gue ngeliat video gue di channel mereka. Ada juga video EP-EP dari negara lain. Gila videonya niat banget! Jauh banget lebih keren daripada yang gue! Minder banget deh.

Oke kemaren emang gue seneng banget. Plong banget karena seengganya ada juga negara yang mau nerima orang dengan CV super singkat kaya gue hahaha. Tapi setelah berganti hari, gue mulai stres mikirin tiket pesawat dll.

Tadi siang gue mulai cek tiket pesawat ke agen gitu. Dan harganya mahal banget. Beneran deh ga masuk akal banget. Jadi gue juga iseng cari-cari tiket pesawat sendiri. Gue dapet sih beberapa yang lebih murah harganya. Tapi itu harganya cepet banget gantinya. Oh satu lagi. Gue dan keluarga gue ga ada yang punya kartu kredit macem VISA ato Master Card. Nah loh!

Oke deh, pasti ada jalan keluar. Doakan!

- cheers -

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