Thursday, April 10, 2014

call me crazy


Have you ever had a random thought? I bet you have. So do I.

In the last few days I've been thinking of the countries that I want to explore. Actually I really want to go to europe, because it's a whole different world for me ; the place, the people, the culture, and the habits.

But there's a problem. If they won't provide the accomodations, the foods, and the transportation fees, then I'll have to spend more money there (FYI, I'll stay there for about 6 weeks! It's quite a long time). I don't come from a rich family, that's why I need to calculate everything, that's too expensive!!

Few days ago, I suddenly asked myself, 'why don't you go to Lebanon? Pakistan? India? Sri Lanka? Nepal? You wanna go to a non-mainstream country right?' Well I guess the life expenses in India, Sri Lanka, and Nepal isn't that high. They also have great sceneries and cultures. And I really wanna try to be a minority! That's the point.

Nah that's the problem. I led myself to a huge huge huge dilemma. I just had an interview with a Romanian yesterday, and I'll have another interview with a Lithuanian tomorrow. But to be frank, I'm still a little bit unsure about my budget hahaha. Should I apply to India? Sri Lanka? Nepal? Maybe if I failed my interview, I should give a try haha let's see!

- let it be -



Sri Lanka


Pernah ga lo mikirin sesuatu yang random banget? Pasti pernah deh. Gue juga.

Beberapa hari terakhir ini gue lagi galau pengen pergi ke mana buat exchange nanti. Dari dulu gue pengen banget ke eropa, soalnya eropa beda banget sama indo, dari tempatnya, orang-orangnya, budayanya, sama kebiasannya juga.

Masalahnya, biaya hidup di sana berlipat-lipat kalinya di sini. Kalo mereka ga nanggung akomodasi, biaya makan, dan biaya transport, pasti pengeluaran gue bakal ga kekontrol dah. Apalagi project exchange yang gue ambil durasinya sekitar 6 mingguan gitu. Cukup lama buat bikin tabungan gue kembali ke titik nol.

Beberapa hari yang lalu gue sempet mikir, 'kenapa gue ga pergi aja ke Lebanon? Pakistan? India? Sri Lanka? Nepal? Gue kan pengen coba pergi ke negara yang ga mainstream' Dan gue pikir biaya hidup di sana ga setinggi di eropa. Selain itu, tempat-tempat di sana juga keren2, budayanya juga unik banget. Nah itu dia! Gue pengen coba jadi kaum minoritas!

Pikiran-pikiran gue sebenernya malah bikin gue makin galau. Gue yang tadinya pengen banget ke eropa, sekarang mulai mikir buat pergi ke negara-negara yang jarang dipertimbangkan sama mayoritas orang. Dan kemaren gue abis interview sama orang Romania, dan besok bakal ada interview lagi sama orang dari Lithuania. Perlukah gue apply ke India? Sri Lanka? Nepal? Mungkin kalo gue gagal di interview kemaren dan besok, gue perlu coba apply ke sana kali yah. Liat nanti deh!

- let it be -

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