Tuesday, April 15, 2014

that stranger is gonna be my project manager!


Facebook was so popular 5 years ago. But then all my friends started to leave facebook. So did I. I deactivated my account.

But about two months ago, I started to activate my facebook account again because my EPs (Exchange Participants) and the AIESEC people use facebook as one of their main social media.

So few hours ago I opened my facebook profile and there was a friend request from a stranger. I was curious cos she's obviously not an Indonesian. So I clicked her avatar and found out that she's from the Find Your Way Project. I saw her profile to make sure that she has a role in the project. She does!

Evelina Korvel - My Project Manager To Be

Then I decided to send her some messages, in order to know more about the project. She replied to my messages, and she was so nice! We talked about so many things, and she explained to me about the project.

She said that we're gonna have trainings and 2 summer camps, about 1-2 weeks each. We will teach the 13-15 years old pupils on the first camp and 16-18 years old teens on the second camp. Oh and one more thing. We will have a one-week-long holiday between the 2 camps! Perfect!

This morning my dad asked me about the number of Indonesian students who have been there before. And I told him that Lithuania is not a mainstream country for Indonesian students. He was worried about the quality and the safety of the project. To be frank, I felt the same way.

But then I found someone who went to Lithuania last winter! I asked her so many things about Lithuania. She said that the project was so amazing. Then I saw the pictures of last year's project, and I know why she said that the project in Vilnius was so great!

So if the project was great, why was it so hard to find an EP returnee from Lithuania here? Then she explained to me that she wants 10 EPs from different countries. There were about 50 applicants (25 applicants are from China lol), she needs 10, and she has selected 3 (one of them is ME!). Well, I'm feeling lucky now hahaha.

- feeling lucky -


Sekitar 5 taun lalu Facebook cukup populer di komunitas gue. Tapi lama-lama Facebook mulai ditinggalin. Gue juga sebenernya udah mulai ninggalin Facebook dua taun lalu. Taun lalu gue deactivated account gue hahaha.

Tapi sekitar dua bulan lalu gue mulai nge-aktifin account gue lagi. Kenapa? Karena facebook sering dipake sama AIESEC buat ngasih kabar-kabar update, dan facebook juga masih populer di kalangan EP-EP (Exchange Participants) hahaha.

Jadi, beberapa jam lalu gue buka account facebook gue dan ada friend request dari bule gitu. Setelah gue kepoin, ternyata doi tuh ada peran di project Find Your Way. Dan setelah gue kepoin lebih lanjut, dia tuh salah satu petinggi AIESEC di Lithuania, dan dia bakal jadi project manager gue.

Evelina Korvel - Calon Project Manager Gue

Singkat cerita, gue ngirim chat ke dia karena gue pengen tau tentang project yang satu ini. Dan dia baek banget ternyata hahaha gue nanya panjang lebar juga dijawab dengan super sabar hahaha pokonya dia ngejelasin ke gue tentang project ini secara general deh. Nice!

Dia bilang ke gue kalo nanti EP-EP bakal dikasih training, terus juga bakal ada summer camp, sekitar 1-2 minggu gitu. Dan di antara dua camps itu bakal ada liburan seminggu, dan kita bisa ngapain aja di hari libur itu. Asik banget dah hahaha. Dari yang gue tangkep, camp pertama tuh isinya murid-murid sekolah yang umurnya 13-15 taunan, dan di camp kedua isinya murid 16-18 taunan. Asik banget sih kedengerannya.

Oh by the way, tadi pagi papa nanya ke gue, berapa orang yang bakal ke Lithuania dan berapa orang yang udah pernah exchange ke Lithuania. Terus gue bilang ke papa kalo Lithuania jarang didatengin sama EP dari Indonesia. Dan papa agak curiga kalo jarang orang yang mau ke sana. Dia khawatir sama kualitas project sama keamanan di sana katanya. Sejujurnya gue juga.

Terus siang ini gue dapet kontaknya orang Indo yang pernah ke Lithuania taun lalu. Setelah gue dapet kontaknya, langsung deh gue hubungin. Dan dia bilang kalo projectnya jalan dan asik banget. Terus sore ini gue juga ngeliat banyak foto-foto project Find Your Way taun lalu. Nah sekarang gue tau kenapa dia bilang projectnya asik hahaha.

Hmm kalo emang projectnya asik, kenapa kemaren-kemaren gue susah banget yah nyari EP returnee dari Lithuania? Nahh kata si calon project manager gue ini, dia butuh 10 EP dari negara yang beda-beda. Menurut pengakuan dia, ada sekitar 50 orang yang apply ke project ini (25 diantaranya dari Cina), dia butuh 10 orang, dan dia udah milih 3 orang, salah satunya GUE. Nah, entah gue kepilih gara-gara gue emang terpilih atau karena gue satu-satunya yang dari Indo yah. Anyway, gue tetep merasa beruntung.

- feeling lucky -

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