I had my first interview! Whoa that was an unpredictable one guys!
so actually i planned to have that interview last week, but it was delayed because of the miscommunication. I asked my assessor about the interview, but she didn't replied. So it was quite confusing actually. I need to have that interview ASAP, but she didn't tell me about her schedule.
Today i went to my friend's dorm to do my homework. I turned on my laptop and connected it to the internet. Few minutes later, my assessor was online! So i sent her a message via skype, about my interview. I asked her about her schedule. Then guess what. She said we could have the interview now. Okay that was a big shock for me lol
Then for the next 40 minutes, i had an interview with her. She was on her working place and she said it was hard for her to speak. So she typed all of her questions, and i answered those questions by speaking to her directly
my interview wasn't bad, but it wasn't that good too. So i'm not sure about the result. I hope i passed the interview cos the project seems great, and they will provide us the accomodations, foods, and they will also cover the transportation fee!
by the way, i forgot to mention the place. It's romania! And the city's name is Pitesti.
- finger crossed -
- finger crossed -
gue barusan interview sore ini! Mendadak banget!
jadi, sebenernya interviewnya seharusnya tuh minggu lalu, tapi karena miskomunikasi, jadi diundur gitu. Tapi masalahnya, si pewawancaranya ga ngasih tau waktu jelas tentang interview gue yang tertunda itu.
Carmen Elena, yang Jadi Pewawancara Gue |
Wawancaranya sekitar 40 menitan dan dia ga ngomong sama sekali. Dia lagi di tempat kerjanya, jadi katanya agak susah buat ngomong. Jadi dia ngetik semua pertanyaannya, dan gue jawab secara langsung (ngomong langsung via skype).
interview gue so so sih sebenernya. Ga ancur banget, tapi ga lancar juga sih. Gue ga yakin sama hasil interview tadi, tapi masih berharap juga sih. Why? Karena projectnya menarik, dan mereka bakal nanggung akomodasi, makanan, dan biaya transport! Menggiurkan banget.
oh gue lupa nyebutin nama negaranya nih. Romania! Tepatnya di kota pitesti. Aduh pengen deh hahaha. Doain yah!
- finger crossed -
- finger crossed -
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