Sunday, April 13, 2014



I got another interview from Lithuania two days ago!

It was better than the last one cos I learnt from my mistakes! I browsed everything before I got the interview. I looked for some essential information, like the location of Lithuania, the people, the language, and I also browsed about the city that I applied to, Vilnius.

So the interview was quite different from the last one. We didn't turn on the video call, so I didn't see the assessor's face directly. I felt nervous at first (obviously!), but the assessor was so nice, and we couldn't see each other's face (was that a good thing? haha)

The assessor (her name is Armanda) asked me some questions like "what do you know about Lithuania?", "do you have any experiences with kids?", and some other standard questions. But that's not all. She asked me some tricky questions like "if you have a million dollar, what would you do with that money?", "why shouldn't we choose you?" etc.

Armanda Capaite, My Assessor
I felt like I have done my best on the interview, but I'm not sure about the result (again) LOL

Well I thought the interview was over after the question-answer session. But actually that was not all. She gave me another task! Here is the task
"Now you have a task to do. The task is to film a video (about 1 minute long, might be minute and a half). There should be 15-20 seconds of different people from Indonesia saying "Find Your Way", after that you should introduce yourself - name and your country. Finally you have to answer these questions : 1. What was your dream profession when you were a child? 2. What are you studying / working now? 3. What prevented you from your dream profession? If not-what helped you to achieve it? 4. Are you happy? 5. What you would like to change in your life? 6. Wish something for the little Gisella in the age of 5 or 6."
I had to do that in 2 days! So I was quite busy. I recorded my part (introducing and answering questions) on Friday, then I recorded my friends saying "Finding Your Way" yesterday, and also did the editing part on the same day. That was quite hard to edit that video, especially because I only have a basic video editor software. FYI, I finished my video just now! Check this out!

Special thanks for those who participated in my video : Evelyne, Meli, Kiki, Jennifer, Nadia, Stephanie, Amanda, Cinan, Bella, Diana, Soffi, Nindya, Gratia, Fidellia, and Tobias.
Another special thanks to Amanda who 'acted' as my assessor in the video.

This project seems so interesting to me. Why? Because Lithuania is a non-mainstream country, and it's located in Europe. Beside that, Lithuania is located in the Schengen area. I want this! And there's another good thing. Armanda told me that they will give me 160 Euros and I can use it to buy foods or to pay for my transport fees. I'm not sure whether it'd be enough or not, but it's better than nothing!

At this point, I still can't make my decision cos I love both Romania and Lithuania. The life expenses in Romania is lower, but Romania is too mainstream and they have the most number of gypsies.

On the other hand, Lithuania is a non-mainstream country. I asked so many AIESECer about this country, but no one knows cos no one's been there before and I want to be the pioneer. But the thing is, the life expenses there is higher and I can't make sure about the quality of the project cos no one's been there before. And I can't make sure that 160 Euros will be enough for 6 weeks.

Well, let's just wait for the announcement first!

- keep calm -


Dua hari lalu gue interview lagi! Kali ini sama Lithuania.

Menurut gue, interview kemaren kerasa lebih mending daripada interview sebelumnya sama Romania, mungkin karena gue belajar dari kesalahan kemaren. Jadi, kemaren itu gue udah browsing dan cari-cari tentang Lithuania, terlebih Vilnius, kota yang gue pilih buat project.

Interview kemaren agak beda sih sama interview sebelumnya. Kalo di interview pertama tuh si pewawancaranya ga ngomong sepatah kata pun. Sedangkan di interview gue yang kemaren ini si pewawancaranya lebih prefer kita pake voice call aja, jadi ga pake video call. Menurut gue pribadi, sebenernya enakan gitu sih, jadi kalopun gue liat catetan buat nyari referensi, dia ga bakalan tau hehehe

Jadi, si pewawancara gue itu namanya Armanda, dia ramah dan welcome banget kemaren ini. Jadi gue yang awalnya gugup, lama-lama bisa lebih enjoy. Armanda ini nanya banyak pertanyaan ke gue (yaiyalah!), mulai dari pertanyaan standar sampe pertanyaan aneh. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan simpelnya yah paling seputar project, kaya "kamu tau apa aja tentang Lithuania?", terus kaya "kamu pernah ada pengalaman ga sama anak-anak?", dll. Tapi ada juga beberapa pertanyaan yang agak menjebak kalo menurut gue, kaya "kalo kamu punya satu juta dollar, kamu mau ngapain?", "kenapa kita ga boleh milih kamu untuk ngejalanin project ini?" Hmm well, gue sebenernya ga yakin sama jawaban-jawaban gue kemaren sih hahhaha

Armanda Capaite, yang Jadi Pewawancara Gue
Terus, sesudah dia beres nanya semua pertanyaan dia dan gue beres nanya semua pertanyaan gue, ternyata proses seleksi ga sampe situ doang. Dia ngasih gue tugas lagi. Dan kata dia sih pengumuman lolos/engganya dari interview bakal diumumin sesudah gue ngumpulin tugas gue ini. Nah, jadi tugasnya tuh gini kira-kira

"Bikin satu video dengan durasi sekitar satu sampe satu setengah menit. Sekitar 15 sampe 20 detik akan ada orang-orang yang berbeda-beda ngomong "Find Your Way". Sesudah itu, perkenalkan diri kamu (nama dan negara asal), kemudian jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini : 1. Waktu kamu kecil, kamu pengen jadi apa? 2. Sekarang kamu jurusan / kerja apa? 3. Apa yang menghambat kamu untuk mencapat cita-cita kamu? Kalau tidak - apa yang membantu kamu mencapai cita-cita kamu itu? 4. Apakah kamu senang? 5. Apa yang kamu ingin rubah dari kehidupan kamu? 6. Apa harapan kamu untuk Gisella kecil (5-6 tahun)"

Gue dikasih waktu dua hari buat ngeberesin tugas itu, jadi, gue agak sibuk juga gara-gara tugas satu ini. Di hari Jumat kemaren gut ngerekam semua bagian gue (introduction dan jawab pertanyaan), terus gue ngerekam orang-orang yang ngomong "Find Your Way" di hari Sabtu. Di hari Sabtu juga gue ngeberesin videonya. Ngedit video kali ini kerasa cukup susah, karena software yang gue punya tuh basic banget, dan segala pekerjaan harus dibikin secara manual. Nah, gara-gara itulah gue ngabisin waktu berjam-jam demi video satu ini. Nah videonya udah gue upload nih, yang kepo boleh nih diliat. Hasil kerja keras gue banget nih!

Makasih banget buat semua yang udah bantuin gue bikin video ini : Evelyne, Meli, Kiki, Jennifer, Nadia, Stephanie, Amanda, Cinan, Bella, Diana, Soffi, Nindya, Gratia, Fidellia, dan Tobias.
Makasih banget juga buat Amanda yang bantuin ngisi suara pewawancara di video ini.

Buat gue pribadi, project ini menarik banget. Kenapa? Karena project ini ada di Lithuania, yang merupakan negara yang anti-mainstream alias ga biasa. Selain itu, Lithuania ada di Eropa dan masuk ke daerah Schengen. Kedengerannya keren sih buat gue. Selain itu, Armanda kemaren ini bilang ke gue kalo nanti kita masing-masing bakal dikasih 160 Euro dan bisa dipake buat makan dan transport. Tapi sejujurnya gue ga yakin 160 Euro bakal cukup sih. Yah lebih baik daripada ga sama sekali pastinya.

Sekarang ini gue masih belum bisa ambil keputusan. Walaupun gue belum dapet announcement dari Romania ataupun Lithuania, tapi gue harus udah mulai mikirin kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang bisa terjadi. Romania tuh biaya hidupnya lebih rendah, dan termasuk yang terendah di Eropa. Tapi, Romania terlalu mainstream dan populasi gypsy tuh paling banyak di Romania. Jadi agak serem juga sih.

Nah kalau Lithuania itu anti-mainstream kalo menurut gue. Soalnya dari kemaren-kemaren gue banyak nanya ke AIESECer tentang Lithuania, tapi pada ga tau karena pada belum pernah denger ada yang exchange ke Lithuania. Jadi, sebenernya gue pengen sih jadi yang pertama gitu (belum tentu yang pertama juga sih sebenernya). Tapi biaya hidup di sana lebih mahal dan gue ga begitu yakin tentang kualitas project di sana, karena gue belum nemu orang yang bisa gue tanyain tentang Lithuania sekarang ini.

Oke deh, tunggu pengumumannya dulu aja kali yah. Galau juga kalo masih ngegantung gini hahaha

- keep calm -

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