I've booked the ticket!! Yeah finally. Great!
Hmm not that great actually.
I saw the best offer last week. It was the cheapest one, and the transfer time was only 1-3 hours. But I couldn't use the credit card last week. I had to wait until this week (today).
More Reasonable Price and Transfer Time (Last Week) |
Well, yesterday they raised the price. It was a little bit more expensive than the one that I saw last week, but it was okay. The flight and the time were all the same. But pity me, I still couldn't use the card yesterday hahaha.
This morning, the offers were not there anymore. They raised the price again, about $30. And that was not all. They changed the flight as well. If I wanted to book that flight, I'll have to wait about 23 hours at Hong Kong for the transfer flight!
This Morning!! |
Better, but Still Bad hahaha |
I wanted to choose that flight (it's better!), but I needed to go to my classroom, so I decided to book it later.
So I got back home few hours ago and checked the price again. Well the price was still the same. But guess what.
Look at the Transfer Time! |
I decided not to buy that ticket (obviously). So I chose a better offer.
This is Still Better Than the Another One (same price) |
I want to share this with you guys, and I also want to tell you to take the best offer as soon as possible. Otherwise you'll experience the same thing as me.
By the way, special thanks to my aunt! I used her credit card at last :)
- Learn from Others' Mistakes -
Gue udah beli tiket! Great!
Hmm ga great juga sih.
Minggu kemaren gue ngeliat tawaran paling menarik, dengan harga murah dan waktu transit yang masih masuk akal, sekitar 1-3 jam. Tapi minggu lalu gue masih belum bisa pake kartu kreditnya karena masih ada pembayaran yang harus dilunasin dulu. Singkat cerita, gue harus nunggu sampe minggu ini (hari ini) sampe kartunya bisa dipake.
Harga Paling Murah, Waktu Transfer Masih Manusiawi |
Jadi, kemaren gue iseng ngeliat harga tiketnya lagi. Harganya naik sedikit sih, mungkin sekitar 100rb, tapi flight dan waktu transitnya masih sama. Ga apa-apa sih kalo cuma beda dikit. Tapi sayang banget, kemaren gue masih ga bisa pake kartunya hahaha.
Pagi ini, kartunya udah bisa dipake lagi, jadi gue browsing lagi tadi pagi. Harga tiket yang kemaren udah ga berlaku! Ada sih tiket lain, tapi harganya naik sekitar 300rb, dan waktu transitnya agak gila sih, sekitar 23 jam di bandara Hong Kong (waktu mau balik ke Indo).
Transfer 23 Jam! |
Tapi ada juga penerbangan di hari laen dengan harga sama, dan waktu transit yang lebih bentar, sekitar 10 jam di bandara Hong Kong juga.
Mending, tapi Sama Aja Lama |
Gue tadinya mau book, tapi gue masih galau karena 10 jam cukup lama juga. Dan tadi gue harus buru-buru masuk kelas, jadi gue ga booking dulu. Rencananya mau booking maleman.
Tadi sore gue browsing lagi sesudah sampe di rumah. Harganya masih sama sih kaya tadi pagi. Tapi, waktu transit buat departure malah makin gila!
Oke Speechless |
Ternyata di hari yang lain ada juga harga tiket yang sama, dengan waktu transit yang lebih sebentar, walaupun sama aja lama (kira-kira 18 jam sama 10 jam). Sama aja gila. Tapi kalo gue ga book sekarang takut juga sih. Jadi deh gue book. Akhirnya.
Better, Tapi Parah juga |
Jadi, sebenernya di post ini gue cuma pengen share aja tentang pengalaman pertama gue beli tiket pesawat online. Cape, pusing, deg-degan, stres! Jadi, gue mau nyaranin, kalo ada offer yang menarik langsung ambil deh kalo bisa. Nyesek kalo engga hahaha.
- Learn from Others' Mistakes -
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