I've looked for the airplane ticket for few days now, online and offline. I went to some travel agencies few days ago and they couldn't find the most reasonable price for me. The cheapest one was about 1.670 USD. You're kidding me!
Well I also looked for the ticket online. I found a ticket with more reasonable price, it was about 1.200 USD, better!
I Got This from www.skyscanner.com |
But the problem is, I can't pay it cos I don't have any credit cards! It stressed me out for sure. If I don't buy it as soon as possible, then they will rise the price and I won't be able to buy that! But guess what. I'm so lucky that my aunt has a credit card. So I was hoping that she wants to help me.
I texted her few days ago and told her about this. She said that she wanted to discuss it with her husband first. Well it wasn't easy to meet her cos she lives in another city.
Luckily, we're having an Easter holiday now (Happy Easter guys!!), so she came to my city to visit us. Yesterday I met her and talked about this again with her. You know what. She agreed to help me!! But I have to wait till Monday cos she has to pay for her bills first. That's okay! At least I can buy the ticket online now hahaha.
Wish me luck guys! I'll call some travel agencies again on Monday, decide the best offer, and buy the ticket!
- nothing is impossible for a willing heart -
Beberapa hari terakhir ini gue udah coba cari-cari tiket pesawat buat Juni nanti. Gue udah cari-cari tiket secara online dan offline. Kemaren ini gue dateng ke satu travel, dan harga termurah yang dia kasih tuh sekitar 1.670 USD. Gila mahal bener mba!
Kemaren-kemaren juga gue coba cari-cari tiket online dari website yang banyak direkomendasiin sama temen-temen gue, dan gue nemu tiket dengan harga yang lebih masuk akal, sekitar 13,5 juta. Kalau ditotal-total mungkin sekitar 14 juta. Mending dah hahaha.
Gue Dapet ini dari www.skyscanner.com |
Nah masalahnya, gue ga punya kartu kredit dan bayar tiket online itu harus pake kartu kredit dan kalo gue ga beli tiket secepetnya, pasti harganya bakal naek terus. Gue ga akan mampu beli kalo sampe harga tiket udah sampe dua kalinya hahaha. Hmm tapi entah kenapa, gue merasa beruntung banget karena tante gue punya kartu kredit (woohoo). Tapi sebenernya gue cuma bisa ngarep dia mau bantuin gue. Kalo dia ga mau bantu sih sama aja boong hahaha.
Jadi kemaren ini gue nge-Whatsapp dia dan ngejelasin semuanya. Terus dia bilang ke gue kalo dia harus diskusi dl sama suaminya. Nah gue sebenernya agak susah kalo mau ketemu sama tante gue ini karena dia ga tinggal di Bandung. Jadi semuanya cuma diomongin via social media doang.
Untungnya lagi (gue lagi hoki banget akhir-akhir ini), sekarang lagi libur Paskah (Happy Easter semua!!) dan tante gue ini balik ke Bandung buat ketemu sama semua keluarga yang di Bandung. Kemaren ini gue ketemu sama dia dan dia mau bantu gue!! Tapi gue harus nunggu sampe Senin karena dia harus bayar tagihannya dulu biar ga lewat limit. Yah oke lah, seengganya gue masih bisa beli tiket online hahaha.
Doain yah! Senin gue mau survey lagi ke beberapa agen, terus nentuin harga paling murah, terus beli tiket kalo memungkinkan. Doain!
- nothing is impossible for a willing heart -
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