Sunday, June 22, 2014

First Bonding Ever !!


I woke up at about 8.30 today, then took a shower. My roomates woke up like about 20 minutes after me, then we got ready. We supposed to meet Evelina today, but she’s sick today. So she postponed the meeting until tomorrow.

We had our breakfast

Because we wouldn’t have the meeting, then we decided to go to the tower and to the old town today. I have explored the tower and the old town before, but most of the interns haven’t been there before (they just came). So we decided to go to the tower first, then to the old town.

Before we went to the tower, we passed by the Cathedral. Most of the interns haven’t been there before, so we took some pictures in front of the Cathedral. We really looked like tourist! (Well we are tourist btw haha)

It was raining when we got there. Then maybe after 5 minutes, the sun started to shine again. So we went to the tower straight away. Well when we walked there, it started to rain again, but it wasn’t too bad, so we still decided to go to the hill where the tower was. We walked up, then the rain started to get worse. Fortunatelly, some of us brought our umbrella, so we shared the umbrella to those who didn’t bring. But the rain was really bad that we had to walk to the side to avoid the rain. And also, it was so foggy there. So we decided to go down and explore the old town first.

All of us were hungry that we looked for a café with reasonable prices. We went inside some café, but they were too expensive for us. So we decided to go away, until we found Charlie’s Pizza. It looked like an exclusive café, but fortunately, they have better prices. That’s why whe chose to eat at that café.

After we finished our lunch, we went to the city center. We went to Can Can Pizza to ask for the invoice, but they said their computer were broken, so we’ll have to come back again next week. Can can pizza has a wi-fi connection there, and Fasya decided to stay there for her presentation.

I asked Fasya wheter she can go back to our dorm herself or not. She said she can’t. So I decided to accompany her in Can Can Pizza.

Fasya ordered so many foods and drinks there. I was there too, but I didn’t order anything. We did our works, until Zuzana and Joyce texted me that we can go together to the supermarket soon. I went to meet Zuzana and Joyce as soon as they texted me. We went to some supermarkets in the city center to get some ingridients for our dinner.

We went back to our dorm as soon as we finished shopping, then we cooked for all interns. Actually tomorrow I’ll cook my Indonesian dishes for everyone, so I practiced to make the fried rice. Hmm it turned out well. Not too bad for a beginner.

After we finished our dinner, we went back to our own rooms to get ready for the festival. Evelina and Armanda told us that the festival would start at about 10 PM, so we decided to go there to see the night there. Well, we saw the Flamingo’s Dance, and met up with Evelina, Daniel, and Felipe (Fasya’s buddy).

They brought us the bridge, to see something nice (they said). When we arrived there, nothing was there. There were only 4 laser lamps near the bridge. That’s all lol

After that, we also went to a “laser” show. Well that was so cool! Here I uploaded the video. That was really cool! This was the first time I saw this.

That was the best part of the night for me. Hmm after that we decided to go to a pub where Armanda was working, and we had some chats together until about 2.30 AM, then we went back to the dorm by the night bus. We had to pay for it, even if we have the free pass. Okay so far, I think this day is the most tiring night. But I love this day!

Hi, I'm Armanda and I'm drunk

4 AM


Hari ini gue bangun sekitar jam 8.30, terus mandi. Roomates gue bangun kira-kira 20 menit sesudah gue, terus kita siap-siap. Hari ini harusnya kita ketemuan sama Evelina, tapi dia lagi sakit hari ini. Jadi, meetingnya ditunda sampe besok.

Kita sarapan

Karena meeting ditunda, jadi kita memutuskan buat pergi ke tower dan ke old town. Gue udah ke sana beberapa hari yang lalu, tapi yang lain pada belum sempet nge-eksplor karena mereka emang baru pada dateng. Jadi, kita memutuskan buat pergi ke tower dulu, terus baru ke old town.

Sebelum kita sampe di tower, kita lewat Katedral dulu, jadi kita foto-foto dulu di sana. Intern-intern yang belum pernah ke Katedral pada ngambil banyaaaakk banget foto (sama aja kaya gue pas baru sampe sini hahaha). Keliatan banget deh turisnya lol

Waktu kita ke sana, langitnya agak mendung dan gerimis gitu. Tapi sekitar 5 menit kemudian, langitnya cerah lagi. Jadi kita memutuskan buat tetep pergi ke tower. Tapi waktu kita lagi jalan, ujan lagi hahahahaha. Ujannya ga begitu parah, jadi kita tetep lanjut jalan. Nah, pas kita hamper sampe tower, ujannya makin parah, dan berangin banget. Jadi kita semua berteduh. Kita di sana cukup lama. Hmm lama banget sih. Dan akhirnya kita mutusin buat turun lagi karena emang berkabut banget tadi tuh. Jadi akhirnya kita turun, dan memutuskan buat ke old town dulu.

Kita semua udah laper banget pas sampe di bawah, jadi kita cari café buat makan siang. Banyak sih café di sana, tapi mahal-mahal semua. Jadi akhirnya kita masuk ke Charlie’s pizza. Cukup mahal sih, tapi ga semahal yang lain.

Sesudah makan siang, kita pergi ke city center. Kita mau minta invoice ke Can Can Pizza (kita harus minta invoice biar nanti duit makan kita digantiin). Tapi sesudah kita sampe di Can Can Pizza, katanya computer mereka jadi rusak, jadi kita harus balik lagi minggu depan.

Nah, Can Can Pizza kebeneran nyediain wi-fi, dan Faysa bener-bener butuh internet. Jadi dia memutuskan buat tinggal di Can Can Pizza dan beli makanan di sana sambil bikin presentasi. Tadinya gue dan roomates gue mau pergi ke supermarket, belanja, terus pulang dan masak. Tapi Fasya ga tau jalan pulang. Jadi gue memutuskan buat tinggal di Can Can Pizza sampe Fasya beres.

Fasya beli banyak banget makanan dan minuman. Gue di sana, tapi gue ga pesen apa-apa. Dan gue di sana cuma nulis blog doing, yang akhirnya ga beres karena gue dipanggil roomates gue buat belanja bareng hahaha. Jadi singkat cerita, gue sama roomates gue belanja buat masak, terus gue balik ke Can Can Pizza dan jemput Fasya, terus kita balik ke dorm.

Sesampai di dorm, gue langsung masak, dibantuin sama roomates gue. Gue butuh banget latihan bikin nasi karena besok gue  bakal masak buat lebih dari 10 orang (besok bakal ada Indonesian dinner). Jadi gue latihan bikin nasi goreng dan ayam kunyit. Hmm lumayan sih buat pemula hahaha.

Sesudah beres makan, kita masuk ke kamar dan siap-siap karena mau pergi ke festival, yang katanya mulai jam 10 malem. Jadi kita siap-siap, terus pergi ke city center. City center penuh banget, tapi gue ga ngeliat festival yang meriah banget di city center. Di city center gue ngeliat tarian Flamingo gitu, terus ketemuan sama Evelina, Daniel, sama Felipe (buddynya Fasya).

Mereka bawa kita ke jembatan karena katanya bakal keren banget. Tapi sampe di sana, ternyata Cuma ada 4 lampu laser doang hahaha. Kocak banget parah.

Sesudah dari jembatan, kita pergi buat liat pertunjukan “laser”. Hmm bukan laser juga sih, jadi kaya efek-efek gitu. Susah ah ngejelasinnya. Nih liat sendiri aja hahaha.

Pertunjukan itu kayanya bagian terbaik buat hari ini. Sesudah dari sana, kita pergi ke pub tempat Armanda kerja. Gue ngobrol-ngobrol sama Daniel dan yang lain. Sebagian besar intern pada ke tempat dance, tapi gue lagi pening banget, jadi gue tetep diem di sana.

hi, I'm Armanda and I'm drunk

Kita di sana sampe kira-kira jam 2.30. Sekitar jam 2.30 kita pergi ke bus stop karena bus terakhir berangkat jam 3 subuh. Dan untuk bis ini, kita harus bayar 3.50 Litas, meskipun kita punya free pass, karena ini bis malem. So far, hari ini mungkin hari paling cape buat gue, tapi asik-asik aja sih hahaha.

4 AM

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