Tuesday, June 24, 2014

city center, shopping mall, cafe, forest, dorm again, again, and again


Just as usual, my roomies and I woke up and had some breakfast, then went out. This day, we went out with my twin too (Fasya). Well we didn't really go together. I went with Fasya and Joyce while Zana went to Mc Donald herself. She needed to do her presentations.

By the way, few days ago I figured out something weird from our key chain.

Okay so we crossed through the forest, then went to the mall in Zaliasis Tiltas. We cut Fasya's sim card and bought some credits for her, then went to La Crepe to eat something. I bought a potato pancake (it was oily lol).

We ate there and used the wi-fi until we didn't have our batteries anymore. I called 2 of my friends there hahaha.

After we finished our meal, we went to another La Crepe to meet Zana. She ate there, but we didn't. She ordered a pancake, and it wasn't that much. So she wasn't that full. Oh, and we met some other interns from another project.

We went back to our dorm, had some cereals, and made some sandwiches with eggs.

Then we went to the boys' room and had some chats. Murilo also cooked some drumsticks with my flavor haha.

Oh by the way, my roomies love to do yogas. Hmm...


Seperti biasa, gue dan roomates gue bangun dan siap-siap, terus pergi. Hari ini gue misah sama Zana, jadi gue pergi sama Joyce dan Fasya. Zana pergi ke Mc Donald karena dia mau bikin presentasinya.

By the way, beberapa hari lalu gue menemukan sesuatu yang aneh sama gantungan kunci kamar gue.

Okay jadi kita lewat hutan, terus pergi ke mall di Zaliasis Tiltas buat potong sim card Fasya, terus beli pulsa buat dia. Sesudah itu kita naik ke lantai paling atas buat makan di La Crepe. Gue beli potato pancake, dan itu minyaknya banyak banget.

Kita di sana cukup lama. Kita makan dan pake wifi, sampe batre gue abis. Gue sempet nelepon 2 temen gue di sana hahaha.

Setelah beres makan, kita pindah ke La Crepe yang lain, karena Zana pengen makan pancake katanya. Jadi kita ke sana, Zana makan, tapi yang lain ga makan. Gue dan Joyce pergi ke supermarket buat belanja (lagi). Zana pesen pancake, tapi katanya dia ga kenyang. Oh, dan kita ketemu banyak intern dari project lain juga di sana.

Jadi kita balik ke dorm, bikin cereal dan sandwich, terus makan bareng. Oh iya, kita makan telor akhirnya haha.

Sesudah itu gue sama Zana ke kamar cowo-cowo buat ngobrol-ngobrol. Terus Murilo masak paha ayam pake bumbu gue, dan gue makan lagi haha.

By the way, roomates gue pada suka yoga-yoga gitu hahaha.

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