Friday, August 29, 2014

Google Office Jakarta

I finally arrived at around 20.30 (Indonesian time GMT +7). My mom, dad, and brother were waiting for me (or my gifts?) at the airport. I was so glad that I finally met them after more than 7 weeks. But it wasn’t last long because I had to go to Kibar Office (Google’s agent in Indonesia).

I had to stay there for a night because I had to attend a training at Google office a day after that. So I went there, met my friends, had some chats, then went to sleep.

We woke up early, took a taxi, and went to the Google Office. It wasn’t really big, but it was really cool! Here I attached some photos that I took there.

                It was a pity that I couldn’t attend the first day of training cos I was still in Hong Kong at that time. But the second day was really important for me. We learnt about soft skills there, and I got more tips and tricks from the speakers.

                The training was tiring for me, but it was really fun! We stayed there until around 7 PM, then some of us went back to Kibar office, while the others went back home. I wanted to stay there for one more night, but I was too tired and still had my jetlag. Oh and one more thing, I miss my family soo bad!

                Then after a long journey and got lost several times, I arrived home, met my family, and finally slept on my own bed. But still, I left my mind and heart in Lithuania. I miss everything there!

9 Hours in Hong Kong

                Late post! These last few weeks have been so busy for me, so I’m really sorry for my late update guys!

After 10 hours of flight, I finally arrived at Hong Kong for my 9 hours transfer time. I arrived there at 7.30 AM (Hong Kong time). I chilled a lot cos I had 9 hours LOL.

Joyce told me that she would come to the airport to see me. So I went out through the immigration and waited for her while doing my blog. I was there til around 10 AM. She finally came with her fancy clothes (unlike me, who didn’t take a bath for a whole day haha).

I was really glad that I knew someone from Hong Kong. She took me around the airport to buy some stuffs (to bring back to Indo), and she was my translator for that day. Lucky me, the airport in Hong Kong is really big, even bigger than a shopping mall haha.

Best tour guide ever!
By the way, I didn’t bring that much Hong Kong money, but I had some Chinese money. So Joyce suggested me to give her the Chinese money and she would give me the Hong Kong money. Well that was a great suggestion. So we went to the ATM center, and Joyce went to the machine to take some money.

Unfortunatelly, she changed the password and she didn’t remember her own password! She kept on trying, until she couldn’t input the password anymore. But she was lucky cos she could ask to change her password to the bank next to the ATM. Congratulations joyce!

Then we walked around again til the lunch time, then we went to the food court and bought our lunch there. I bought this beef noodle for more than HKD 50. So expensive!

And Joyce bought some meals, and she shared it to me too. Thanks a lot Joyce! Let’s come to Indonesia and I’ll absolutely treat you!

Then Joyce suggested me to go out from the ariport and took some photos. It was super hot and humid there!

It was our last time together. I had to go in, bought some other stuffs, then went to the gate and took my flight at 16.35.

Seeya soon Hong Kong, I will obviously come back. Wait for me Joyce! I love you :*

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Seeya Lithuania! AS TAVE MYLIU!

It's August 7th, my last day in Lithuania. I couldn't sleep and kept wondering how the farewell would be.

I woke up really early today, looking at Fasya and Zana who were sleeping on Luiza's bed. I was really sad knowing that it's my last time seeing them sleeping.

I went downstairs and made sure everything was okay. I took a bath, and packed all my stuffs. That was so hard for me cos I kept on thinking about the memories that I have made here in Lithuania.

After some time, Zana woke up and told me that she didn't feel okay. I gave her my chinese medicine that my mom gave me. I know it doesn't smell good. I hope you're better now dear :)

Daniel aslo came cos he had to go to work. Thank you Daniel for everything! I have so many great memories with you :')

After few minutes, I walked with her to the bus stop because she had to go to Wendy's flat first.

Then Fasya and Evelina woke up. Evelina didn't speak (almost) at all, and her expression was different. I could really feel the gloomy atmosphere this morning.

We supposed to take the 8.33 bus today, but unfortunatelly, the dog escaped right after I moved my luggage, and we had to catch them first.

We missed our bus and had to wait til the 61 bus came. Then we had to wait around 30 minutes for the bus no 2 that goes to the airport.

Finally the bus came at 9.39. I supposed to come to the airport at 9 AM, and I was late today. So sorry about this guys :(

I only had around 1 hour and 20 minutes to say good bye to everyone, and I didn't know where to start. I was so surprised that some students came to see me for the last time. I was so touched and nervous. It was even worse when some of them gave me some gifts and letters. I couldn't stand it, I cried an ocean.

I didn't want to open the gifts cos I knew I would cried more. So I hugged my loves one by one and said my goodbye to them.

It was so heartbreaking. I got my longest hug today. I didn't wanna let go any of them. I love every single one of these guys.

By the way, I left my phone and magic stick to my super awesome Martynas as usual, and he became my cameraman for today. And in my last moment, Martynas showed me something that really touched me. That was so sweet of you, darl. I love you ♡

"we love you"
So my time had came and I had to leave. I hugged them one more time.

Well, my eyes produced the largest amount of tears today. Thanks to you all. Thank you for those who woke up really early to see me for the last time. Thank you for those who sent me some sweet messages, thank you for the best gifts that you all gave to me, thank you for the efforts, and most of all, thank you for the love that you've given to me.

I can't express my feelings here guys! But I wanna let you all know that this experience has changed my life. And I'm really hoping that I've made some memories and changes on you too. That was my best summer in my life.

Well this time, I really had to go. I said my last goodbye and lined up to check my belongings. There was a long queue there, so I could still looked back and saw my loves.

Then I updated something on my facebook account and told them to take a look at my post. Luckily, I had enough time to tell them directly.

So after that, I ran like crazy cos I didn't wanna be late. I made it.

I flied to Helsinki by a small plane. It took around 2 hours to get there, and I sat in the worst position ever, with 2 people facing me. So they saw my crazy tears for sure.

Helsinki! Again. Hmm I was there on June, and I was really happy cos I would go to Vilnius after that. But today, my feelings were totally different. You know why.

So I cheered myself up by ordering a good food. I ordered a big bowl of salad with chicken breast and salmon. I also bought some bread and a big cup of seven up. It all costs more than 16 euros. My most expensive meal ever. And it wasn't so good.

Then I went to the souvenir shop and spent most of my euros there, cos I still had some euros with me. I did that to cheer myself up again. Can you guess how sad I was? :(

Then I ran (again) to catch the boarding time. Luckily, I still had some time.

I entered the plane, Finnair, and sat next to a mom and her super cute son. His name is Frankie. He reminds me of Fasya, the baby maniac.

Well I guess it was time to read the messages from the students. I opened my gift bag, and I realized that I got some lucky cookies. Thank you so much :')

And I also got some letters, notebooks, chocolate, cereal bar, bracelets, pins, a super beautiful drawing of mine, and a polaroid photo that Joyce made yesterday. I looked at the gifts one by one, read it over and over again, and I couldn't hold my tears at all. This is a new feeling for me. I've never felt this way before. Being loved.

I know people looked at me like an insane person. Thanks for the tissue btw Fasya! It helped me a lot!!

Then after I read all of them, I took my sugar cubes from my fellow interns, and read it one by one. I was really touched. And they also told me about their opinion about me. You all are so sweet guys :') As tave myliu ♡

I really cried like I had never cried before. My eyes were swollen and wet :(

I tried to watch a movie, but I couldn't concentrate at all. So I decided to write this post by using my phone.

Now my memories in Lithuania are running like a movie in my brain. I keep on thinking of how people treated me and made my days.

Guys, I know this post sucks cos it's too personal. But by doing this, I just wanna let you all know that I really enjoyed every single second that we spent together.

So, please keep in touch guys!

Please add all of my accounts :
Snapchat : gisellathio
Instagram : gisellathiofanny
Skype : gisellallesig